Saturday, December 14, 2013

I'm giving away 9 copies of 99 Jobs

Goodreads Book Giveaway

99 Jobs by Joe Cottonwood

99 Jobs

by Joe Cottonwood

Giveaway ends December 26, 2013.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter to win


  1. When is the book hitting the streets Joe?

  2. Hi Ralph. The official release date is Feb 1, 2014 but the book is already available through Amazon. Even when it's officially released, it won't be in your local bookstore unless some large publisher decides to buy it -- which could happen.

  3. Joe, I read "Junior Electrician" last night. A stunning piece. It belongs in Best American Essays or some other annual anthology, like Best American Nonrequired Reading. Would like to read more of the book faster, but problem is individual pieces, like this one, make my cranium vibrate so much I can't focus on more than one at a time. Great stuff, man. Tom McGohey
